Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sunday Ride

This is me and mom on our Sunday Ride Stop
Hi to all,I just want to tell you about my Sunday ride
Well,it started when Mom and Dad was talking about going for a ride Saturday night,They know I was listening and I was getting excited cause I knew mom would not leave me behind.
So come Sunday morning mom was doing her thing in the house and I would not leave her side ,like always,but today was special to me ,cause mom said to me that I was going with them cause she did not want to leave me alone that long.
I might be a big boy but,I don't like staying home alone to long.
So when dad got up I knew the ride was close,he had coffee and then I knew the time was there,the car seat in the back was taken out,a pillow,water bowl was put in and the the Magic Word,,,Boog want to go for a ride?
Got my pants on( thats what dad calls me harnes)
and away we went,down the road fast so the wind would blow my hair,did not know were we where going but I did not care.
I was going for a ride.
We went to a place called Tazzwell Tennessee and that is were I got to get out,This is the picture you see,we saw for miles and miles,I was so happy to go and see this new place it made me have to peeeeeeeeeeee,(sorry) got excited.Then we drove around some more to see the land here in Tennessee and mom said it was time to go home.I saw lots of things,cows,lakes,more cows,and even smelled some pigs,(PU),so that was a Sunday ride for me and boy I had fun,
O yea, mom had to wash the car cause I got that doggie sluber all down the side,,haha


Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Going for a ride is the BEST THING EVER!!!! I'm so glad you had fun.


Katnippia said...

HI Boozie! We are happy that grand-meowmize took youz fur a car ride. We bet it was very purrty there.Luvs us Sia

Mr. Hendrix said...

oooo you are so brave to ride in a car that long! I'll bet the sniffing on your ride was amazing. My mommy's woofies used to peeeeeeeeee when they got excited too. You look like you had lotsa lotsa fun. Farm areas can be awfully stinky sometimes.
Good to see you again!